Sunday, December 25, 2011


GREENER GRASS. We also had multiple medical marijuana items to consider last week.
     One is a press release from an outfit called Altitude Organic Corporation in which we learn that the company "provides independently-owned retail dispensaries in Colorado, California, and Arizona business support services, while also acting as a one-stop-shop for entrepreneurs looking to enter the burgeoning, multi-billion dollar industry of legal cannabis."
     Now you know why we need so many dispensary names.
     And, finally, we had a lawsuit from a woman who, according to her complaint, won a contest to come up with an interesting new reality series. Her idea was a show about competing medical marijuana businesses.
     Her series: "Greener Pastures."
     The network that sponsored the contest allegedly took her ideas for a show called "Weed Wars."
     Marijuana sparks creativity everywhere.