Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Get the Hell out of Canada......


A SCOT has been booted out of Canada after living there for 42 years — because he's a former HELLS ANGEL.

Mark Stables, 49, was set to be flown to Glasgow last night as the bike gang is banned in the North American country.
The martial arts expert's deportation comes despite him knowing NOBODY in Scotland and the fact he cares for his parents, in their 80s, back in Canada.
Mark — who moved to the country aged seven but never got full citizenship — said: "I'm very disappointed. There is being no compassion shown.
"I think the intended target of this action is the bike club and not me."
Mark was in the Hells Angels for nine years before he quit in 2009.
But he was caught with club paraphernalia at Vancouver Airport in 2006.
And judges ruled on Wednesday that his membership meant he could no longer live in Canada. It comes despite Mark having NO criminal record. And his lawyer Chantal Deslodges told federal judges 16 staff at a gym he ran in Toronto could lose their jobs if he was deported.
She said: "Very few people in Canada have the martial arts skills he has. He would never have been in the Hells Angels if he knew it would have led to this. He doesn't know anyone in his home country, which is foreign to him."
Mark, who was president of the Hells Angels Ontario Corp, earlier sold his gym after his work permit was revoked.
Read more: http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/news/4016731/Get-the-Hell-out-of-Canada.html#ixzz1hfE1Zsik