Thursday, December 22, 2011

Bail Set For Two Vagos.....

Washoe District Judge Connie Steinheimer set bail today for two men who were indicted for conspiracy to commit second degree murder in the aftermath of a brawl between Hells Angels and Vagos in Sparks, Nevada on September 23.
Steinheimer set bail at $2 million for San Jose Vago Ernesto Manuel Gonzalez. Gonzalez is also charged with first degree murder. He is accused of shooting San Jose Hells Angel Jeffrey “Jethro” Pettigrew in the back four times.


Informed sources have told The Aging Rebel that Pettigrew had just shot two Vagos and that Gonzalez was acting in defense of his club brothers. The same sources have also said that Pettigrew had already been wounded and probably believed that he was also acting in self defense when he shot Vagos Motorcycle Club members Leonard Ramirez and Diego Garcia.
According to testimony at the bail hearing Gonzalez had reserved a seat on a flight to El Salvador when he was apprehended in San Francisco September 30. Other testimony from the same witness alleged that Gonzalez told arresting officers that he feared Hells Angels were “after him” and that he wanted the police to get him out of the area as quickly as possible.

Rudnick and Villagrana

Bail was set at $300,000 for former Los Angeles Vago Stuart Gary “Jabbers” Rudnick. Rudnick has been publically and privately accused of instigating the brawl in Sparks.
A third man charged in the fight, San Jose Hells Angel Cesar Villagrana, is currently free on $300,000 bail. Villagrana is charged with firing a gun and conspiracy to commit second degree murder.
Villagrana, Rudnick and Gonzalez are all scheduled to stand trial together on October 29, 2012. Villagrana’s attorney has already stated that he will move to have his client tried separately.