Wednesday, December 7, 2011

AUSTRALIA - Tattoo shop gutted - bikie links being investigated

Gunshots, broken windows and now a raging inferno early Tuesday morning that gutted tattoo parlour Naked Gun 2, have left owners, staff, customers and neighbouring businesses asking, why?
And one of the owners, a man identified as Krusty, told the Gazette "the only way they are getting me out of here is with a bullet between my eyes - I won’t stand down to no-one."

There have been rumours circulating for years that the George Street, South Windsor, tattoo shop, originally in Windsor, was linked to the Life and Death Outlaw Motorcycle Club. But Hawkesbury police said there was "nothing to confirm links", even though a man wearing the club’s colours was outside the store supporting the business’s visibly upset owner after it was set on fire around 1am on Tuesday night, December 5.

Krusty told the Gazette he was upset about the fire and that he "couldn’t believe it was all gone". He said he left the business around 11.30pm on Monday night and couldn’t understand why somebody would do this.

"I don’t know what the point is," he said. "I do good things around here like sponsor my local footy team and get involved, and then something like this happens... it’s not fair, but I guess you just have to keep your chin up."

When asked if he knew who could be behind the fire - which is being treated by police as suspicious - Krusty said he didn’t. "Whether it’s young kids, vigilantes, whoever...I don’t really care, but I won’t be leaving. The only way they’re getting me out of here is with a bullet between my eyes. I won’t stand down to no-one. He said once the police investigation was over he would re-establish the business.

He said "nothing is going to get in the way" and he intended to stay part of the community.

Krusty said the main thing was that no-one was inside at the time and that no-one else nearby was injured. His landlords’ agreed, saying that was also their main concern.

The fire, which completely gutted the store, was noticed by an upstairs tenant, who didn’t want to be named. He said he called the police and fire brigade and that they swiftly responded, putting the fire out in about five minutes. "They did a great job, it could’ve been a whole lot worse," the tenant said, referring to the pool shop next door, which is full of chemicals.