Saturday, December 17, 2011

AUSTRALIA - Police deny bikie war in Adelaide

THE local leader of the Comancheros is in hospital with a gunshot wound to the leg, but police deny there's an emerging bikie war across Adelaide. The man was taken to hospital for surgery after he was shot in the thigh during a late-night fight in the city's northern suburbs yesterday.
He was found by police in the backyard of a home after fleeing his attackers.
Detective Inspector Paul Yeomans said investigations were continuing, to determine if the incident was bikie-related, a personal conflict or drug-related.
``It's important to note that those who do involve themselves in outlaw motorcycle clubs do so at their own peril,'' Det Insp Yeomans said.
``They're gaining a life of drugs, organised crime, extortion, violence.
``From a police point of view it's not a life anyone would want to lead.''Det Insp Yeomans said if the incident was bikie-related the prospect of some sort of retaliation was a concern.
But he said police did not believe the city was in the grips of a bikie feud.
``This isn't a bikie war,'' he said.
``This is just at this stage an altercation between two male adults and something's gone wrong.''