Wednesday, December 28, 2011

At Year's End, DAV Has You to Thank.......

Dear Philip,
A Bright New Year for Disabled Vets!

Here are the faces of our Disabled American Veterans. Watch our 2011 Year in Review video and see how the DAV works to build better lives for these American heroes.
Bring them a new year of hope as you make your year-end gift to the DAV now! 

Americans are still coming home wounded from Afghanistan, and the end of military operations in Iraq is flooding the country with new veterans.
Each day, duty calls us to pave a brighter future for vets who come home sick and injured.
As 2011 draws to an end — and you consider one more deduction with a gift to the DAV — let me thank you, Philip. You helped the DAV take the lead in all the battles that needed fighting:
Getting benefits to a quarter million heroes in need — helping more disabled vets than all other veterans groups combined.
Standing up when Congress tried to cut healthcare and other programs that disabled vets need to move on with their lives!
But right now, Philip, I count on you to carry DAV leadership into a new year of hope for America’s disabled veterans.
The coming year will test America’s readiness to stand by her defenders.
Just home from Iraq and Afghanistan, newly wounded heroes will join the ranks of their 2.3 million disabled comrades.
Wartime memories are fading as our forces draw down in Afghanistan. Americans are moving on to new concerns and other priorities. Yet you and I cannot leave our veterans to deal with disability, alone and forgotten.
Stand firm as you make one more tax-deductible gift of $25 … $50 … $100 or more now!
Marshalling Support for the Year Ahead!

Arthur H. Wilson, National Adjutant
Disabled American Veterans