Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Urge your lawmakers to oppose censorship – and ask Senator Wyden to read your name during the filibuster.

Urge your lawmakers to oppose censorship – and ask Senator Wyden to read your name during the filibuster.

Fill out this form to urge your lawmakers to oppose Internet censorship – and ask Senator Wyden to read your name during his filibuster.

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    The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the PROTECT IP Act (PIPA) would ruin so much of what's best about the Internet: They will give the government and corporations new powers to block Americans' access to sites that are accused of copyright infringement, force sites like YouTube to go to new lengths to police users' contributions, and put people in prison for streaming certain content online.
    There's a good chance this legislation will pass – but Senator Ron Wyden is a steadfast opponent, and he says he'll try to block it by filibustering if it comes up for a vote.
    Sometimes filibusters last hours – or days – leaving Senators reading out of the dictionary or cookbooks to pass the time. But we've got a better idea:
    Millions of Americans support Internet freedom. What better way to demonstrate our strength than to ask Senator Wyden to read our names into the record during his filibuster? He's agreed to read censorship opponents' names from the floor of the Senate, and to try to enter the rest into the Congressional Record.
    Just fill out the form at left to stand with Wyden and ask him to read your name on the floor of the Senate. It will also generate a letter to your own lawmakers, asking them to oppose Internet censorship.