Tuesday, November 29, 2011

MASSACHUSETTS - Please review and forward to other MA riders on your list who support 'adult choice.' Now is the time to make some noise.


E-mails are good records but don't make NOISE . . . Make some NOISE . . .
MA riders who support choice for 18 years (voters and service men and women) and older - CALL Transportation Committee Senate Chair from Lynn
State Senator Thomas McGee, Room 109C, (617) 722-1350,
Ask him to support Senate Bill No. 1749 -
Takes less than 3-minutes of your time.

Please review and forward to other MA riders on your list who support 'adult choice.'  Now is the time to make some noise.
TONS of thanks - PC
BOSTON — Massachusetts lawmakers are weighing changes to the state's motorcycle laws, including bills designed to ease the requirement that riders wear helmets.
Current law requires all riders and passengers to wear protective head gear, except those participating in parades.
One proposed change would lift the helmet requirement for riders and passengers over the age of 21. Another would exempt riders whose motorcycles are registered in a state without a helmet law.
Other bills would ban children under 5 from riding on a motorcycle traveling more than 30 miles an hour, ban the sale of exhaust pipes designed to make motorcycles louder and prohibit cars from passing through groups of two or more motorcycles.
The bills are the subject of a Wednesday public hearing by the Transportation Committee at the Statehouse.

Senate Bill No. 1749, by Sen. Hedlund:

SECTION 1: Section 7 of Chapter 90, as appearing in the 1998 Official Edition, is hereby amended by striking out the entire sentence beginning with the word “Every” in line 141 and ending with the words “head gear” in line 147. SECTION 2: Section 7 of Chapter 90 of the General Laws, as so appearing, is hereby amended by adding at the end of said section the following new paragraph: Every person operating a motorcycle or riding as a passenger on a motorcycle or in a sidecar attached to a motorcycle shall wear protective head gear conforming with such minimum standards of construction and performance as the registrar may prescribe, and no person operating a motorcycle shall permit any other person to ride as a passenger on such motorcycle or in a sidecar attached to such motorcycle unless such passenger is wearing such protective head gear, except that no protective head gear shall be required if the motorcyclist is participating in a properly permitted public parade and is 18 years of age or older, or a nonresident motorcyclist or passenger of a motorcycle that is registered in a state that does not require persons to wear a motorcycle helmet while operating a motorcycle.

A majority of legislators recently "allowed" adults the 'choice' of gambling in Massachusetts, citing the jobs and revenue it would bring to the State. 
Give them a similar reason for adult helmet choice, as thirty other states allow their riders choice. 
Include your own experiences of riding with 'choice' in RI, CT, NH and ME, and how much money you spend in those states.

Write, call, e-mail this Committee members - or come tell them your story and reasons for 'choice' this Wednesday, November 30th, at 10:00 a.m., Hearing Room A-1, at the Massachusetts State House.
(Include your full name, address, and if your State Senator and/or State Rep. are NOT on this Committee, copy them in asking they write the Committee Members supporting Senate, No. 1749.  Copy me in on your e-mails if you'd like at ClaimsCote@aol.com
Joint Committee of Transportation Committee Members here
Senate Members

Chair Thomas McGee, Room 109C, (617) 722-1350,
Vice Chair Jennifer Flanagan, Room 410, (617) 722-1230 FAX: (617) 722-1130, Jennifer.Flanagan@masenate.gov
Karen Spilka, Room 511C, (617) 722-1640 FAX: (617) 722-1077, Karen.Spilka@masenate.gov
Michael Rush, Room 213A, (617) 722-1348 FAX: (617) 722-1348, Mike.Rush@masenate.gov
Brian Joyce, Room 109D, (617) 722-1643 FAX: (617) 722-1310, Brian.A.Joyce@masenate.gov
Marc Pacheco, Room 312B, (617) 722-1551 FAX: (617) 722-1074, Marc.Pacheco@masenate.gov
Robert Hedlund, Room 313C, (617) 722-1646 FAX: (617) 722-1028, Robert.Hedlund@masenate.gov

House Members
Chair William Straus, Room 134, (617) 722-2400 FAX: (617) 722-2387,
Vice Chair Aaron Michlewitz, Room 134, (617) 722-2400 FAX: (617) 722-6575, Aaron.M.Michlewitz@mahouse.gov
James Miceli, Room 446, (617) 722-2460, James.Miceli@mahouse.gov
Carl Sciortino, Room 472, (617) 722-2013 FAX: (617) 722-0127, Carl.Sciortino@mahouse.gov
Denise Provost, Room 473B, (617) 722-2263 FAX: (617) 722-0548, Denise.Provost@mahouse.gov
Timothy Madden, Room 167, (617) 722-2810 FAX: (617) 722-2846, Timothy.Madden@mahouse.gov
Marcos Devers, Room 146, (617) 722-2011 FAX: (617) 722-2238, Marcos.Devers@mahouse.gov
Mark Cusack, Room 134, (617) 722-2400 FAX: (617) 626-0159, Mark.Cusack@mahouse.gov
Michael Finn, Room 134, (617) 722-2400 FAX: (617) 626-0189, Michael.Finn@mahouse.gov
John Mahoney, Room 155, (617) 722-2450 FAX: (617) 626-0247, John.Mahoney@mahouse.gov
Chris Walsh, Room 39, (617) 722-2014 FAX: (617) 626-0291, Chris.Walsh@mahouse.gov
Donald Wong, Room 542, (617) 722-2488 FAX: (617) 626-0299,
Steven Howitt, Room 237, (617) 722-2305 FAX: (617) 626-0211, Steven.Howitt@mahouse.gov

Date:  November 27, 2011
From:  Paul W. Cote / Amesbury, MA
TO:     Chairs and Members of the Joint Committee on Transportation

RE:  SB 1749, Motorcycle helmet choice for adults, 18 years and older
        Public Hearing, Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2011 at 10:00 a.m.

Honorable Chairmen and Members:

I would appreciate your support of Senate Bill Number 1749, as filed by Senator Hedlund, allowing the over 175,000 adult motorcycle riders in Massachusetts to make a "freedom of choice" on wearing (alleged) protective headgear while riding, as thirty (30) other States allow, including neighboring states of RI, CT, NH and ME, where tens of thousands of Massachusetts ride and spend their biker buck$ each seasonal weekend.

If you do not support adult choice, or are undecided, please let me know your reasoning so I can provide information and/or documentation to address those specific concerns.

In 2006, the Senate passed a similar bill with some amendments, which died in the House. 

Since 2006, we've seem 'mandatory' health insurance enacted in Massachusetts (while nationally injuries and related health care costs for motorcycles account for less than 0.00125%); and the recent bill allowing gambling (adult choice) in Massachusetts.

In 2003, the when the Commonwealth of PA modified it's motorcycle helmet law in 2003, a requirement included an independent review each two years thereafter.

Attached in PDF are their 2006 and 2008 one-page highlights and in-depth studies (62 and 75 pages), showing that despite significant increases in registrations (= increased state revenues and tourism dollars) and decrease in helmet use, the 2003 Act and its passage did not have any impact statistically on motor vehicle deaths.  We all agree that one death is one too many, but it's not how you die, it's how you live your life.  I choose ride, and I should be able to decide, as 30 other States allow their citizens 'choice' on helmet wear.

Thank you for your attention to these matters.  I will see you Wednesday at the Hearing.

Paul W. Cote
1 Birchwood Pointe, #102
Amesbury, MA 01913
978-535-8222 (office)
978-504-9715 (cell)
MMA Call to Action (CTA) – Helmet Choice in Massachusetts and other Motorcycle Matters
Riders continually ask the MMA, “When are they going to change the mandatory motorcycle helmet law in Massachusetts?”   Well, “they” may start to make this change next Wednesday, November 30, 2011.   The Joint Committee on Transportation has scheduled Public Hearings for this bill and additional motorcycle bills in Room A-1 at 10:00AM:  these hearings were announced with very short notice.
Now is the time to make some noise on these issues.   If motorcyclists do not step up and take action, our Massachusetts Lawmakers figure, “If the motorcyclists don’t support these bills, why should we?”
If you want to help make a difference, you need to call your State Senator and House Representative to voice your support or opposition of these bills.   If you do not know who your legislators are, click here (http://www.malegislature.gov/People/Search ) or e-mail LegislativeDirector@MassMotorcycle.org with your complete housing address and we’ll look them up for you.
The complete list of Bills scheduled to be heard next Wednesday including the five (5) MMA-Authored can be found here:  http://www.malegislature.gov/Events/EventDetail?eventId=324&eventDataSource=Hearings
Questions can be sent to LegislativeDirector@MassMotorcycle.org, further information regarding the MMA Legislative Agenda can be found at www.MassMotorcycle.org