Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I'm writing to express my support for the repeal of the Massachusetts Helmet Law.

Please note: The Adult Helmet Choice Bill for Massachusetts Riders is MMA-Authored S.1726, NOT S.1749.

Non-MMA Individuals who have been pushing S.1749 as the Helmet Choice Bill to support are misinformed. S.1749 has been designed and written solely to allow Out-of-State Riders with current Helmet Choice in their states into Massachusetts with these same privileges. The goal of MMA-Authored S.174...
9 is to entice these out-of-state riders into Massachusetts so they would end their boycott and spend their tourism dollars within the borders of Massachusetts.

Simply put, passage of S.1726 will allow all Riders Helmet Choice, whereas S.1749 will not provide the Massachusetts’ Riders that choice!

The MMA does support both bills, but S.1726 offers choice for ALL riders, and its passage would render S.1749 moot.

Dave Condon
Massachusetts Motorcycle Association
 I'm writing to express my support for the repeal of the Massachusetts Helmet Law.
For years motorcyclists have been forced to wear a so called piece of safety equipment that has not ever been proven to be safe at speeds we ride at. Not only that, but only a paltry 4% - 7% of all helmets are ever tested, and the fail safes in place for recalls is quite scanty.
Massachusetts is a mandatory health insurance state, so it cannot be argued that people should carry health insurance if they want to ride without a helmet; it's already mandated.
You can't legislate prevention from "stupidity".... you can only impose fines for it. Those that want to ride impaired or beyond their means will continue to do so, and give those of us who don't a bad name! Drivers who continue to drive distracted by their cellphones or by shaving or reading the newspaper will still continue to do so until they're stopped, or lose their license.
Why is it motorcyclists, in often cases the victims, have to be penalized because their choice of transportation is two wheels and not four? If helmets save so many lives, mandate that they be worn in all vehicles!
Take a look at the numbers, do the math, percentage wise motorcyclists cause less accidents and claims wise their loss ratio is a lot lower than auto claims. In fact they're almost insignificant in the large scheme of all drivers on the road.
As a licensed Massachusetts Insurance agent I have seen more auto accidents per capita than motorcycle accidents, and in most cases with less severity.
Education for drivers and motorcyclists will save more lives than any helmet will! Most  MA. drivers still do not know that a motorcycle is a motor vehicle and has the right to share the road with other vehicles; and until that fact reaches the over 4 million drivers in the state, then there's no helmet out there that will save a motorcyclist from harm!
I do a daily newsletter that goes out to motorcyclists all over the country, and I cannot tell you how many times I read where the helmet did not save the person's life, or it came off as a result of the impact.  Are there times when helmets save lives, yes, of course.... but where else in society is it mandated that a piece of so called safety equipment be mandated equipment? No where, because other sectors would be up in arms!
Also, with the gambling bill being approved into the state; how much more revenue do you think would come into MA if we had a "choice" helmet law here? MILLIONS!  Each year I go and enjoy Sturgis and Laconia. We could have a nice rally here, there are beautiful vistas here in MA, but due to our helmet law, most riders would rather avoid or just ride on through to NH, rather than stop and spend their monies here.  In Sturgis, people make enough off of the rally to pay their bills for most the year!! Read the stats!
It's time to allow responsible adults choose in MA. Educate, not mandate.
Please support Senate Bill No. 1726.
Thank you!
Betsy E Lister
Inductee to the Sturgis Hall of Fame 2010 
Founder of the longest ongoing international eZine bikerbits
Owner of Lister Insurance Agency Inc. Medford, MA.
Charter Member of BOLT and Treasurer
AMA Member
MRF Member
MMA Member
Boston HOG member and past officer