Sunday, November 27, 2011

Green On Green

The Sparks mess has taken an unexpected twist. According to Scott Sonner of The Associated Press, the key witness before the Washoe County, Nevada grand jury that returned an indictment last week was a long-time Vago.
The grand jury indicted two Vagos and a Hells Angel for conspiracy to commit second degree murder in the death of Hells Angels San Jose charter President Jeffrey “Jethro” Pettigrew on September 23 at a casino in Sparks, Nevada. Pettigrew was shot and stabbed in a brawl between about 60 Vagos and a dozen Angels. A medical examiner reported that Pettigrew was stabbed repeatedly in the face and was shot five times. Two Vagos were also shot during the brawl and a third Vago was shot the next day.


The indicted men are San Jose Angel Cesar Villagrana, San Jose Vago Ernesto Manuel Gonzalez, who is alleged to have shot Pettigrew and Los Angeles Vago Stuart Gary “Jabbers” Rudnick.
Sonner described the Vago who talked to the grand jury as “a 27-year veteran of the…Vagos motorcycle gang.” According to the AP the witness testified “under the condition of confidentiality.” The witness told the grand jury that Vagos national club officers had talked with Pettigrew an hour before the fight started and the unnamed Vago and Pettigrew had agreed that the two clubs would co-exist on the casino floor.

The Transcript

Throughout his account, Sonner quotes a 278 page transcript of the Vago’s testimony. The Aging Rebel has not yet seen that transcript.
The Vago testified that he and Pettigrew had the following exchange. “Everything is going to be all right,” Pettigrew told the Vago. “I’m getting too old for this.”
The Vago replied, “I’m getting too old for this, too.”
The Vago layed responsibility for the fight an hour later solely on Rudnick’s shoulders. “Jabbers has a big mouth. He’s always had a big mouth.” According to Sonner, Rudnick has been voted out of the Vagos Motorcycle Club.

Jabbers Rudnick

The witness testified that Rudnick was determined to provoke a fight. “This was diffused by national. National went down there and talked to them. Everything was worked out, there was no problems.” When Rudnick continued to taunt Pettigrew the Angel punched Rudnick in the face and the brawl began.
“All hell broke loose,” the Vago told the grand jury. “Just bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam. There were so many shots, shots going off through this whole melee, I’m surprised a citizen didn’t get shot because anyone could have walked around the corner or walked out of the bathroom and got shot.”
The Vago testified that the assault was premeditated. “There’s Jabbers putting on his gloves,” the testifying Vago told the grand jury as they all watched a video-recording of the incident. “The reason he is putting on his gloves is for one reason only, it is a premeditated thing they are going to start some action. This thing is going to go off.”

Police Radio Traffic

The blank “videos” below contain about 12 minutes of police radio traffic in the aftermath of the shootings.