Saturday, November 26, 2011

AUSTRALIA - Nobody told Cruiser Club war is over

"There are unwritten rules that are policed within the MC community.You do not start an MC without permission, must be given the OK by the dominate club in the area. To do so without, you risk a beat down.If the club granting permission tells you to wear a one peice patch, it had better not be made to look like a 3 peice patch. If it does you risk another beat down.Those not in the biker community will never understand these rules. So do what you want but be prepared for the consequence."
Robyn Wuth(DFC)
THE war over motorcycle patches is over, according to the United Motorcycle Council of Queensland, but they haven't bothered to tell the Gold Coast Cruiser Club.
The social motorcycle club was warned to remove their club insignia from their jackets by a member of the Nomads outlaw motorcycle gang.
The Nomads warned the social club its patch was `offensive' and ordered all 160 members of the club to remove the insignia.
The UMCQ was forced to step in to settle the dispute and spokesman Russell `Camel' Wattie yesterday insisted the council had dealt with the issue.
"It's been taken care of," Mr Wattie said.
When asked about the mediation process, Mr Wattie admitted he was unaware of the details.
"But it's been dealt with."
However a spokesman for the Gold Coast Cruiser Club said there had been no further contact with the UMCQ and they had no knowledge of the result.
The club was reluctant to comment on the issue.
The warning to remove the cruiser patch remains on the club's official website.