Thursday, October 27, 2011

watch this video!! So Africa, motorcyclists saves a calf!!

watch the video... motorcyclists saves calf....
South Africa:  Daring Rescue involved a motorcycle and a cow!
What’s even cooler than being a rally biker on a test run in South Africa? If you’re that guy and you also interrupt your test run in order to save a drowning calf.
This video shows an altruistic biker stopping to haul out a dying calf from a man-made canal. The biker then manages to get the animal on his motorcycle and find the calf’s pack, returning it to its owner and family.
Aside from the theatrics — repelling using a rope attached to a rally ‘cycle, saving an animal’s life, riding a motorcycle with a calf strapped to it — the most impressive part of this video is the fact that the anonymous biker went so far out of his way to help the calf.
We found this video to be a nice cure for the Monday doldrums. Enjoy and let us know in the comments, would you have stopped to help? Did you even see the animal in the video?