Monday, October 3, 2011

On Two Wheels: Despite high-profile Hells Angels cases, remember -- not everyone on a motorcycle is a criminal


For just about as long that there have been motorcycles, there have been motorcycle clubs.
Many motorcycle clubs carry with them the reputation (some of it deserved, some of it not) of being, let us say, on the wrong side of the law and are assumed to be to the man, bad individuals.
Let’s examine for a minute today’s motorcycle clubs and see what kind of conclusion you make.
Most motorcycle clubs usually get together for the same reason any civic organization does, usually a group of like-minded individuals who share a passion, in this case motorcycles.
A common theme among them is the strength, brotherhood, camaraderie and sense of family that goes along with being in a club which is especially strong among bikers.
If you are asking whether I am comparing motorcycle clubs to say, the Knights of Columbus, the Masons or some other civic group, for example, then yes, absolutely I am. The premise is much the same regardless of what group you belong to.
Yes, some clubs like having the 1 percent reputation, but more as a sign of non-conformity than lawlessness.
For those of you that don’t know, the phrase “1 per center” was coined back in the 1940s by the American Motorcycle Association to describe some bikers stating that “99 per cent of motorcyclists are law-abiding citizens and 1 per cent isn’t.”
Having been able to see most sides to these various clubs I have spoken about, I can tell you that they are not that much different from one another even with varying socio-economic differences. Clubs range from such names as the Hells Angels right through the Christian Motorcyclists Association and everything in between including professional groups and law enforcement.
Bikers, in general, carry with them a less than favorable opinion from most of the general public (I can attest to this on a personal level) which seems to be compounded when you belong to a motorcycle club.
Television shows such as “Sons of Anarchy,” while entertaining, (a favorite among bikers) only serve to foster the myths involved with motorcycle clubs as perceived by a lot of people. This show is so absurdly over the top when it comes to murder and mayhem that if thought to be true it would make law enforcement look ridiculous and nonexistent, which we all know would never be allowed to happen.
More recently in our area a person who happened to belong to the Berkshire Chapter of the Hells Angels was arrested along with two of his friends for allegedly committing a triple murder in Pittsfield. The media had a field day with the “Hells Angels” tie-in, making it seem like this had something to do with the entire club rather than the acts of one off- the-reservation individual who had a problem with someone else.
Many times over the years there have been politicians, police officers, lawyers, school teachers and every other type of person from all walks of life who are caught doing something illegal and are tried and convicted. I hardly ever hear that this guy (or girl) was a member of the Democratic Party, and, therefore, all Democratic politicians (maybe not the best example to use) are bad or that the person was a member of the bar association and all lawyers are crooks.
It would be ridiculous to make such assumptions, now wouldn’t it?
Most bikers who I know (and their associated clubs) would give the shirts off their backs to help someone, many times without even knowing the person they are helping.
The Western Massachusetts motorcycle community has showed time and time again that they would and will consistently go to great lengths to help those in need. I don’t know about you, but I’m proud to be a Harley-driving biker and to be part of the community.
Remember that bikers are somebody’s father, mother, brother, sister and so on and that they are as normal as anybody else. I’m not saying that people don’t do bad things; they do. Nor am I trying to justify criminal behavior; it happens in all walks of life.
All I’m saying is give clubs and bikers the benefit of the doubt now and then.

Goings On:
On Oct. 8, it’s the re-scheduled Smith & Wesson Takes Aim at Cancer run to benefit the Cancer House of Hope. Signups start at 9 a.m. with the last bike out at 10:30. The ride start is at the Smith & Wesson main plant located on Roosevelt Avenue in Springfield.
On Oct. 15, it’s the Longriders Motorcycle Club’s 27th annual fall gathering to be held at the American Legion Kennedy Post at 41 Robbins Road in Chicopee. The fun starts at 6 p.m. and goes until midnight. A $20 donation gets you in to a night of food, music and good times so don’t miss out on this one.
On Oct. 22, it’s the Fire & Iron Station 109’s first annual fall poker run. The Clover CafĂ©, 104 High St., Holyoke is where this one is at and kicks off at noon. It’s $10 per rider and $5 per poker hand is the cost for this.

Less Tim:
OK, folks, this will be the last column before we drop down to just once a month for the off season. As always keep sending me your stuff, and I will keep putting it out there. Thanks again for another great season and your continued support.
Until next time, ride safe and ride smart.