Friday, October 21, 2011

CA - ABATE Local 15.

Please come to the October Meeting and put you name in the hat for one of the many officer positions at ABATE Local 15.  Some of these positions will only take an hour or less of your time each month. Here are the requirements for becoming an officer as well as the duties for each position:
      President - Has total responsibility for the management of the local.  All activities of the President and the Local must be in compliance with the state by-laws and by-laws of the Local.  The President is accountable to the Executive Director of ABATE of California, Inc. The President is responsible for the supervision of all Officer functions and is the official spokesman of ABATE positions in Contra Costa County. The President shall not be able to sign checks.  President shall not hold more than two elected offices. Must be a member for at least one year before holding office.
      Vice President - will assist the President in assigned duties. Vice Presidents may or may not hold other offices, but shall not hold more than two elected offices. 
 Treasurer - will be responsible for all Local  # 15  moneys.  Will maintain acceptable ledger books recording all transactions, and present monthly reports at regularly scheduled meetings, and turn in quarterly reports to state.  Treasurer will be one of the officers that shall sign checks, and all outgoing monies will be written on checks.  Shall collect moneys from all ABATE functions and deposit them after checking totals to match.   All expenditures over $500.00 must be approved by a majority vote at a regularly scheduled meeting.  All expenditures  must  be  approved  by   the President. If Treasurer thinks funds asked for by the President are inappropriate a special Board meeting may be called.  The Treasurers  book  shall be audited twice a year by a person picked  from  the  membership  and delivered to the  next  officers  board meeting. Must be a member for at least one year before holding office.  
      Secretary - Will be responsible for all official correspondence and records of meetings.  To  write  monthly  reports  for the Bailing  Wire, and  keep  minutes  of  the  Board  of  Directors meetings, and the general meetings. 
      Membership Coordinator - Will be responsible for all membership sale activities in Contra Costa County.   The membership coordinator  maintains the Local  # 15  membership  list  and provides  monthly records to the President, and present  monthly reports  at  regularly  scheduled meetings.  Keeps a stock of membership cards, ABATE patches, and year pins as needed.  Will also give board updated phone list quarterly, and provide membership information to board as requested. 
      Merchandise Coordinator - Will be responsible for maintaining  a stock  of  Local # 15 merchandise, and having it available  for purchase  at  regularly  scheduled  meetings  and  Local  # 15 functions.   Keeps an inventory and balance it quarterly with the Treasurer.   Sell PAC merchandise for state. 
      Business Coordinator - Will place Bailing Wires at all business shops, and other locations of interest to motorcyclists. To pick up door prizes for general meetings and at Local # 15 functions. To be the contact person keeping the shops informed with latest events by placing run flyers and ABATE political information in their shops.  To keep track of PAC donation jars during the visits to the shops, and any other ABATE property located in their shops.
Event Coordinator - Will be responsible for overseeing and directing volunteers and other particulars involved with Local # 15 runs and events as directed. Shall have a committee approved by the board. 
      Sergeant-at-Arms - Will be responsible for controlling order at Local # 15 meetings and functions.  To be responsible for security at functions and to appoint deputies as required to fill the needs. Shall have a committee approved by the board. 
      Media Coordinator - Will be responsible for inviting media to events, releasing information to media as needed and to work with Event Coordinator.
Please come out and support our local and help with the next generation of leadership for our local.ABATE Local # 15 meets third Tuesdays at Fuddruckers
Hamburgers in Willows Shopping Center. Meeting starts
at 7:00 PM SHARP!

Fuddruckers Hamburgers
Willows Shopping Center
1975 Diamond Blvd
Concord, CA
