Friday, October 28, 2011

AUSTRALIA - Police ready to move on Coast Finks

THE net is tightening around the Finks motorcycle club as the Queensland Government moves to close potential loopholes in its landmark anti-bikie laws.
Police are now poised to declare the Surfers Paradise club a criminal organisation. Police affidavits have been prepared and authorities say the move against the club is "imminent".
The State Government on Tuesday night moved to shore up the legislation allowing Queensland police to use criminal intelligence obtained from informants of other law enforcement agencies to outlaw criminal organisations under strengthened legislation.
Legal sources say the United Motorcycle Council is prepared to challenge the laws.
"We have been preparing for months, this is a move to make sure that this will hold up because it is bound to be challenged in the High Court -- we want to make sure we get this right," police said.
Attorney-General Paul Lucas said the technical amendments to the Criminal Organisation Act 2009 would better help disrupt and restrict the activities of organisations involved in serious criminal activity, as well as their members and associates.