Friday, October 28, 2011

AUSTRALIA - Bikxx laws when we get it right: Gallacher

NSW Police Minister Mike Gallacher says anti-bikie legislation will be introduced when the government gets it right, after the opposition accused it of going soft on outlaw gangs.

NSW Police Minister Mike Gallacher says anti-bikie legislation will be introduced when the government gets it right, after the opposition accused it of going soft on outlaw gangs.

Tough anti-bikie laws drawn up by the former Labor government were struck down by the High Court in June and now, in opposition, they are asking when new legislation will be introduced.

In budget estimates on Thursday, Labor MP Steve Whan accused the coalition government of going soft on the bikie gangs, and asked when new laws would be unveiled.

"There is only two weeks left of parliament this year - are you suggesting that we will not have legislation in place for this important issue until next year at least?" he asked Mr Gallacher.

The government's response to the High Court ruling would be announced "when we get it right", Mr Gallacher said.

"I will continue to work with my agencies and I will work with the Attorney General, to make sure that we get it right for police and not conduct ourselves in the hamfisted way that you did, and ended up getting it thrown out, which again highlights your incompetence," he said.

Mr Gallacher echoed calls by Premier Barry O'Farrell for a national approach to tackling outlaw bikie gangs.

"Motorcycle gangs and their members do not comply with state boundaries, they do not understand or recognise or work within the confines of state boundaries," he said.

"Therefore, there also needs to be some consideration at a national level in relation to this problem."