Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Defending California Open Carry 2011
YOU Stopped Them Last Year ... But They're Back!

Thanks to your activism and emails last year, open carry in the Golden state was saved - temporarily.

Unfortunately this year California open carry rights are under attack again by way of two bills: AB 144 & SB 661. In fact AB 144 will be heard in Committee on April 12th at 9AM - it is urgent that you act now to stop these bills.

Action Item 1: Sign the new petition

Action Item 2: Contact your California Assembly member & Senator!

Unlike members of the FEDERAL Congress, state legislators often get very little constituent contact. In many states merely 5 – 10 constituent contacts on a particular bill proves decisive as to how a legislator votes and/or influences her party caucus to pressure key committee members.

So be part of the solution - find your YOUR California Assembly member & Senator and tell BOTH of them to oppose AB 144 & SB 661!

Suggested message:

Subject: Oppose AB 1144 & SB 661

Dear Assembly member [or Senator] _______:

I urge you to oppose AB 144 & SB 661.

These bills are aimed at making it difficult or impossible to open carry properly holstered handguns in California. Because California's concealed handgun permit program allows Sheriffs and police chiefs absolute discretion in issuance of concealed carry permits, open carry is the only way for most California citizens to carry handguns in public.

If these bills pass, California gun owners will be forced to open carry rifles and shotguns in public places - something which remains legal under the bills. California residents deserve to retain their Second Amendment right to carry handguns, and proponents of these bills want to stomp our rights into the ground.

And don't listen to these bills' backers' lies that their goal is to simply ensure that all open carriers are trained and licensed - if the bills' sponsors had introduced bills to establish a state wide "shall issue" open carry training and licensing program, then I would not be writing you.

Please let me know what you are going to do regarding AB 144 & SB 661.



Action Item 3: Help us build a warchest to buy media to fight for open carry. Anyone donating $25 or more who is not already a Founder's Club or Centurion member will have their member status updated to "Campaign Veteran"