Sunday, September 25, 2011

MASSACHUSETTS - Berkshire County Lobster Fest

The Berkshire County Charter of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club sponsored their annual Lobster Fest last Saturday at their clubhouse on Woodland Road in Lee, Massachusetts.
Visitors who had heard of the Berkshire County Angels and were so greedy for lobster they attended the event anyway were delighted to discover the clubhouse was actually the safest place in Massachusetts and possibly the entire northeast. As a courtesy to the Angels on their special day, Massachusetts State Police, cops from Lee, Great Barrington, Pittsfield, Lenox and Dalton, Massachusetts Environmental Police and the Berkshire County Swat Team all chipped in to give the prospects a break and provide security for the event.
Police were so eager to help out that they even took souvenir photographs of everyone entering and leaving the event. When the photographs will be mailed to the guests and whether guests will be asked to pay a small postage and handling fee after they receive their souvenirs was still unclear as this story was being written. A phone call to State Police Headquarters in Framingham to enquire how much this courtesy security cost Massachusetts taxpayers was not returned.

Other News

In an entirely unrelated event, a member of the Berkshire County charter and three other men who have no connection to the Hells Angels remained in jail this week.
Hells Angel Adam Lee Hall and non-Angels David Chalue and Caius Veiovis were being held without bail in the Berkshire County Jail & House of Correction. The three men are charged with kidnapping and murdering David Glasser, his roommate Edward Frampton, and a friend named Robert T. Chadwell on August 28. Police believe Hall wanted Glasser killed in order to keep him from testifying against Hall in a trial that was scheduled to begin last week.
Another non-Angel, David Casey of Canaan, New York is being held on $1 million bail in the same case. Police accuse Casey, a backhoe operator, of digging and back filling a grave for the three dead men at a location in Beckett, Massachusetts on August 29.
Casey told police Hall “intimidated” him into burying the bodies.

It’s hard to believe given the crap economic conditions at the moment that they can justify the huge amount of money required to run these intelligence gathering operations under the guise of protecting the public at large. Nothing but a waste of money and time.
Why do we keep electing morons?