Saturday, September 17, 2011

Local 6 September report

The ABATE LOCAL 6  Report for September 2011
 We had a pretty good showing for the Labor Day Weekend,  with a lot of good comments and good questions. President Steve Martin ran a good and interesting meeting.  We discussed current political happenings and a report from our Treasurer Mike Decker.  He and Secretary Patty Wilber are still trying to get us established with a new bank account.
           On Sunday November 6 there will be a memorial ride  for Barry & Carol  Sandberg,  Local 6 members who were taken from us two years ago.    The ride starts at 1PM a couple of blocks from here at Mount Soledad,  and ends at American Legion Post 460 where a lunch will be prepared for the first 100 people to attend.  The lunch has been paid  for by friends of Barry & Carol.  On that same day,  we will have an ABATE local 6 monthly meeting, which will start at Noon sharp, and will end at 12:45 sharp,  so that anyone who wants to go up to Mount Soledad and join the ride, may do so.  Anyone’s option may also include leaving the local 6 meeting and going directly to the American Legion Posts 460 where lunch will start at 2 PM.
PAC Rep Douglas Findlay gave a good report on what's coming up in the politician field, and stressed the point that we need to get out and DO something for these Pols to get them on our side.  Toni Atkins will be running some programs this weekend in her race for State Assembly,  and our member Keith Lim has already signed on to volunteer.  Toni Atkins is on our side since we helped her during the last election.
     Fran Del Santo attended the CMSP Advisory Board meeting in Sacramento a few weeks ago,  and gave us a report on that.  The Motorcycle Safety Foundation set a new record this week, when they graduated their Six Millionth motorcycle student in their worldwide Rider Course.  Quite a few ABATE members are also MSF Rider Coaches, and the MSF is a business member of ABATE of California.
     John Del Santo did a safety report titled "Meaner Than Snakes, on the drivers that we share todays highways with.   Have you seen our Local 6 Websitse ? Our Webmaster Joe Tatro has done a Dynamite job with it !  He has also instituted the Local 6 FacePage.  Check it out !