Friday, September 30, 2011

Here is a message from RC

Contacting Legislators
I will be contacting numerous legislators as will many friends and associates.
Below is message from RC that he will be attending meeting.
Rogue, just got in since sending note. Contacted Ryans office. Feel free to e-mail them any info you have. The meeting will be 12:30 Monday. I plan to be there
This has been a long time coming and we will stay on it until it is done.

In this time of unemployment and scraping to get by maybe you are not aware that approx $250,000.00 dollars of your tax money is supposed to go to ABATE of Florida this year. Unless Representative Bryan Wilson can stop it. Now if you can count on one hand all the good things ABATE of Florida have done for you over the past years then disregard the rest of this note.
If however, if you think the expenditures of taxpayer monies on things like refrigerators, magnets and bumper stickers are waste of your money (remember the Purple and white look twice stickers are provided at no expense to the taxpayer by Mother on a Mission Diane Pearson) Then you may wish to write
Gina Herron
District Aide to
State Representative Bryan Nelson
District 38
and Let Mr. Ryan know what you think. Representative Ryan will appearing at a Legislative committee meeting for the express purpose of finding out what is that ABATE of FLorida does that the state gives them money.
If you hadn't had the opportunity yet Stoop by Ms. Pearsons site above and see what one woman with courage an grit can do with no government help. Maybe even drop her a dollar or two and ask Representative Ryan to deduct it from charlatans.
Let Freedom Reign
vote them all out