Monday, September 19, 2011

CA: Fontana checkpoint Sept 20th

Fontana Police Department , works to improve motorcycle safety; special enforcement operation will take place Sept. 20 2011

Published: Sunday, September 18, 2011 1:39 PM PDT The Fontana Police Department will be conducting a specialized Motorcycle Safety Enforcement Operation on Sept. 20 in an effort to continue lowering the number of deaths and injuries, the P.D. said.
On that day, extra officers will be on duty patrolling areas frequented by motorcyclists and where motorcycle crashes occur. Officers will be cracking down on traffic violations made by motorcyclists as well as other vehicle drivers that can lead to motorcycle collisions, injuries, and fatalities.
While motorcycle fatalities had been on the rise in California, increasing 175 percent in the last decade (from 204 killed in 1998 to 560 killed in 2008), the trend has recently changed. In 2009, California experienced a 29.6 percent reduction with 394 motorcyclists killed, and preliminary 2010 numbers indicate another 10 percent drop to 353 motorcyclists killed.
California collision data reveals that primary causes of motorcycle-involved crashes include speeding, unsafe turning and impairment due to alcohol and other drugs.
The Fontana P.D. is also reminding all motorists to always be alert and watch put for motorcycles, especially when turning and changing lanes.
Some of the reduction in riders killed can be attributed to fewer improperly licensed riders. In 2008, 62.7 percent of motorcycle operators killed under age 25 were not properly licensed. In 2009, that statistic fell to only 45.5 percent. Riders, young and old, are encouraged to be properly licensed and to seek training and safety information.