Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Vladimir Putin rides a Harley Davidson with a biker gxxg in Russia

The Russian Prime Minister rides with members of the "Night Wolves" biker gxxg on board a three-wheeled Harley Davidson motorcycle.

Vladimir Putin rode through the Black Sea port city of Novorossiysk as part of the bikers annual festival on Monday.

Clad in black and riding a three-wheeler made by iconic American motorbike manafacturers Harley Davidson, the former president appeared at ease amongst the bikers.

His appearance at the festival in Novorossiysk, which helps to commemorate the city's resistance to German invaders during the Second World War, came as current Russian president Dmitriy Medvedev called parliamentary elections in the country for December. The vote will precede a Presidential poll in March 2012.

The motorcycle festival is the latest in a series of macho appearances that have earned Mr Putin the nickname "alpha-dog" in US diplomatic cables, only last week he was filmed stripping to the waist for a medical check-up on a shoulder he reportedly injured whilst working out.
