Saturday, August 6, 2011

UK - Unmarked police patrols to target motorcyclists


The covert patrols see police riders in plain clothes joining groups of motorcyclists and using on board video cameras to record bikers speeding or riding carelessly.

It is likely that officers will target popular routes throughout the county, of which the B184/B1057 from Aythorpe Roding to Finchingfield is one of the most used by bikers on a day out.

Sgt Mick Green from the casualty reduction unit’s motorcycle team said: “There are several routes from London into the Essex countryside that are popular with groups of riders. Our officers join in at the back of the group and use the onboard camera to record offences or to radio ahead so that other officers can intercept offenders.

“Motorcycl ists are a unique group of road users and require unique interventions to reduce casualties.

“Some consider themselves to be invincible and even after a short disqualification they might return to the roads with that same perception.”

Those found to be committing an offence could find themselves attending a RIDE course, a newly launched Rider Intervention Developing Experience aimed at convincing bikers to ride safely.

The patrols and courses have been launched following a significant increase in the number of serious road collisions involving motorcycles.

Between January 1, 2011 and April 12, 2011, three riders died and 42 were seriously injured, compared with three fatalities and 30 serious injuries in the same period last year.

Sgt Green added: “The RIDE course seeks to challenge those perceptions and 60 per cent of motorcyclists who undertake the course go on to take further training.

“The number of motorcyclists on our roads is increasing year on year, it is now no longer a cheap commuter vehicle but an expensive leisure activity. We want riders to enjoy Essex roads but we also want them to go home uninjured at the end of their ride.”