Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Diamond Posse Dog Naming Contest to end August 31st..... have you voted yet?
If you've already assisted us.... THANK YOU!
Hi everyone:
With our Veterans Fundraiser with Diamond Posse (http://diamondposse/us/) coming down to the wire, and my leaving the first week of September for Kansas City MO., I was wondering if I could impose and ask you to support my efforts one last time.
If you can make the "Send off Party" Saturday September 3rd, at Boston Harley in Everett that'd be awesome (flyer below)... if not...I'm not asking for much! Only $5.00~ if you can spare it! (If you can spare more, that'd be great!)
The Diamond Posse's dog naming contest ends TOMORROW August 31st.... and I'm hoping that those of you who haven't yet donated to the cause would go to the website and cast a vote to the tune of $5.00 for the name LUCKY!
If the name LUCKY isn't your choice, won't you cast a vote for any name that you feel is appropriate? I chose LUCKY, because it rolls off the tongue easy, it was the name of my very first dog growing up, and he protected us children from harm and from strangers, was the best companion ever, and had nine lives!
My thought for choosing the name LUCKY is that any veteran who's going to be the recipient of this dog is sure going to be LUCKY.
I'd be honored if you'd support my (and our) efforts to continue to raise monies for our NEADS Dog. 
The contest ends on August 31st. If you have donated already... THANK YOU!!! :*)
Here's the website to cast your vote.
I would be so honored if you'd support this small request in my efforts to provide a disabled combat veteran a service dog.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being my friends and supporting my efforts to aid veterans! :*)
With much love and respect,
Gypsy -Betsy