Friday, August 26, 2011

New Hampshire.. getting tough on motorcyclists, noise, colors, etc!!

Heads up New Hampshire riders.... we need your feedback! There's pending legislation that needs your support! The alcohol commission is attempting to "force" bar owners to initiate a "NO COLORS, NO TRIBAL WORK, NO TATTOOS, etc." policy for bars in New Hampshire!!  Rep Sherm Packard and Jenn Coffey are working to stop this.

Please take a moment to respond to the poll below.  Copy and paste your responses and email back to:

Attention NH Residents what do you think your government should do in this situation:
A bar has a lot of fights, almost every night they wake the neighbors the police come and rival gangs hang there.  The liquor commission comes in and says something has to be done, what do you think is the right answer?
1.  The commission should fine the place and shut 'em down for a few days or longer if needed
2. the commission should force the owner to put up a sign that says no one can work there or come in if they have on colors, tribal marking, clothing, sign, symbol, logo, letter, physical marking, or tattoo
3. The owner should take responsibility and work to shut down the violence on his own or with help from the cops, i.e. hire bouncers (though he may face a fine or temp. shut down because he has already gotten into trouble with the law)
4.  The owner should have prevented it from the start and never had to deal with the commission so he gets what he deserves
Right now NH allows for number 1 or you can take door number 2 to avoid the high fines and shut down.  The question becomes, should government be able to force a business to put up a sign saying what kind of employees and or patrons a business can have based on appearance?
# yes
# no

Rep. Jenn Coffey, NREMT-I
Merrimack District 6
Vice-Chairman Commerce and Consumer Affairs
Chairman Business and Banking Division