Friday, August 5, 2011

NEVADA: Dear SB177 Supporter,

Dear SB177 Supporter,

Please watch this:

By now you all probably know that we in Nevada did NOT get our helmet choice bill passed this session.  However, we got far further than ever in our 40 years of mandated helmet history.  The many, MANY persistent contacts you made to our reps is what made the difference.

I will be publishing sending a series of online article to expose those that stood in the way of our liberty.  In my usual way, I will NOT hold back to expose the truth.

A few activists WARNED our legislators that if they shut us out, they would "pay."

There are a number of ways to both "punish" those who deprived us of our liberties - as well as "reward" those who heard us.  There is no excuse for our Bill to have died.  Unlike other special interest groups, we were not asking for a handout - we were DEMANDING LIBERTY.

Nevada State is in financial CRISIS.  Our helmet-choice bill was THE ONLY BILL that would have raised revenue WITHOUT increasing taxes or using tax dollars.  The fact that our Senate Majority leader KILLED SB177 is tragic.  He and others were warned - and now Nevada activists, with the help of seasoned California activists and expert legal counsel - are taking action.

A class action lawsuit is forthcoming.  WE ARE SUING THE BAJEEBERS out of strategically targeted Agencies, one of which is the City of North Las Vegas.  I urge you to watch my newest video production that gives a little teaser on this initiative:

Because of my limited ability to send mass emails, I have narrowed this group mail list to about 100 contacts that expressed support or interest in SB177.  It will be difficult to add more contacts to my group mail.  So please sign up for my blog so that you won't miss any alerts.  Exposing those that stood in the way of this one pro-liberty bill, will also expose the obstacles to ALL liberties in Nevada.

As most of you know, I'm new to this "game."  I've learned a lot and fully intend to collaborate with like-minded helmet-choice advocates to synergize our efforts and get helmet choice for Nevada in 2013.

Yours in liberty,

Lily Gonzalez, Las Vegas, NV, 702-417-6260

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I don't ride to be safe, I ride to be free.