Thursday, August 4, 2011

MICHIGAN: Attorney Says Repeal of Helmet Laws Will Increases Taxpayers Burden

Attorney Says Repeal of Helmet Laws Will Increases Taxpayers Burden
Filed under Automotive News
Image via Wikipedia Head Michigan Auto Law and one of the top motorcycle accident lawyers in the country, attorney Steven M. Gursten, asking Michigan residents to contact their representatives and tell them that HB 4747 is a very bad idea.
According to Gursten the bill guarantees that more motorcyclists will be hurt or killed. Gursten points out that laws allowing motor cycle riders to go without helmets will not only increase injuries and fatalities, it will also increase the financial burden on taxpayers by shifting the burden of paying for these injuries to Medicaid and taxpayers.
The Michigan Senate passed bill (HB 4747) to repeal the state’s motorcycle helmet law recently and the bill will now go to the house, where it is expected to pass. Under HB 4747 Michigan motorcyclists over the age of 21 years would not be required to wear a helmet as long as they purchase aminimum of $100,000 in No-Fault insurance (PIP) coverage for medical benefits in the event of a motorcycle accident.
“This bill makes absolutely no sense. It doesn’t protect motorcyclists who will be seriously injured when motorcycle accidents inevitably occur. Instead, it guarantees that more motorcycle riders will be hurt or even killed. Next, it shifts the financial burden of paying for these injured bikers’ medical care to the taxpayers and Medicaid,” said Gursten.
“For the catastrophic personal type of injuries, such as traumatic brain injuries and spinal cord injuries that are usually sustained by a rider in a motorcycle crash without a helmet, $100,000 in medical coverage can be exhausted in the first few days alone,” he added.
As the head of Michigan Auto Law Gursten received the highest motorcycle accident settlement in Michigan last year, according to Michigan Lawyers Weekly. He has spoken to trial lawyers across the country at seminars on motorcycle accident lawsuits, and has been interviewed by both local and national medie regarding helmet repeal efforts.
For more information or to speak with a motorcycle accident lawyer, call (800) 777-0028