Sunday, August 7, 2011

CALIFORNIA: My Town: Highways don’t kill people……

My Town: Highways don’t kill people……

By Bob Emery
There is an old adage oft espoused by those whose virility is bolstered by a weapon of some sort strapped to their body, “guns don’t kill people, people kill people.” This is, of course, an over simplification since it should read “Guns don’t kill people, people with guns kill people.” But alas, this column is not about guns or gun safety, it just made a good lead-in to my real topic: Highways don’t kill people, irresponsible driving on highways kills people.
Bob Emery Some recent articles on Highway 67 or “blood alley” as some ambulance chasers like to call it and others, on motorcycle accidents throughout San Diego County piqued my interest as I regularly drive many of the highways mentioned and have not found any of them particularly dangerous.
First, Highway 67. There have been at least 46 deaths over the past 10 years on 67, that state highway that reaches from El Cajon to Ramona and passes through eastern Poway. As much as I could learn about these accidents, not one was caused by the highway itself. According to Caltrans and the California Highway Patrol, most accidents are the result of passing over the double yellow line, driving under the influence, excessive speed and just plain reckless driving.
On March 31, 2009, 25-year-old Alexis Drake was killed in a head-on collision on Highway 67 in Ramona. Two other automobiles were road racing and crossed the double yellow line causing the accident. Ms. Drake’s mother was just a few cars behind and witnessed the accident. Her infant grandchild miraculously survived. One of the road racers got away; the other, a Melvin Pearles, is spending four years behind bars, a seemingly light sentence for such reckless and deadly behavior.
Another recent article in the Union-Tribune featured “Worst roads for motorcycles.” Once again, none of the roads mentioned, 67, 94, 76, Montezuma Grade, Palomar Mountain Road, etc. are particularly dangerous when driven sanely, even on a motorcycle. Once again, the problem lies with the drivers and not the roads.
Before I go on, I must differentiate between the types of motorcycle riders. First, you have the “good old boys (and gals)” on their Harleys out for a ride. In my experience, and I do a lot of driving, the hog riders obey the laws, don’t crowd the road and generally give you a “thumbs up” thank you when you move over to let their group pass.
Then you have the Ninja riders on their “crotch rockets” driving as recklessly as possible at high speed, passing on the right and giving you the “middle finger salute” for just being on the road. Of note, many of the motorcycle accidents that happen in places like Palomar Mountain and SR 76 are single vehicle, which means the high-speed riders take out themselves only. However, the number of accidents they unwittingly cause by their erratic antics is unknown.
As to my original point, “Highways don’t kill people, reckless driving kills people,” drivers need to calm down, slow down and, if you want to race and drive like fools, go to a race track. And, law enforcement needs to crack down hard on these scofflaws.