Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Protect Adult Day Health Care From Being Eliminated In California

Adult Day health care helps frail seniors live independently in their homes. Without it, many more older Californians would be placed in expensive nursing homes.  AB 96 provides for a new more limited program to provide services to current Adult Day Health Center Clients who are at risk of entering a nursing home. Governor Brown has until July 27 to sign or veto AB 96. It is critical that he sign this legislation in order to preserve Adult Day Health Centers in California.
Protect Adult Day health care from being eliminated in California e-mail Governor Brown today!
Urge Governor Brown to sign AB 96 to keep open the doors of Adult Day Health Centers, which serve some 35,000 medically fragile seniors.  California should not destroy this infrastructure of 300+ centers that serve California’s burgeoning senior population, and will save the state money over the long run when compared to the cost of nursing home care.
Please e-mail Governor Brown NOW and let him know that California needs Adult Day Health Care and to sign AB 96!
Thank You for your action.
Ernie Powell
Manager of Advocacy
AARP California