Sunday, July 31, 2011

Police to meet with residents in Long Marston and Quinton over Bulldog Bash

A MOBILE police station is visiting Long Marston and Lower Quinton in the run up to the Bulldog Bash.
Officers will be manning the station next month to meet residents to talk about the event, which will run between August 11 and 14.
On August 8 the station will be outside Corbett House in Lower Quinton between 6pm and 7pm and then at Long Marston Post Office between 7pm and 8pm.
On August 9 officers will be at Long Marston Post Office between 6pm and 7pm and outside Corbett House in Lower Quinton.
On August 10 officers will return to Corbett House between 6pm and 7pm and Long Marston Post Office between 7pm and 8pm.
Sgt Bob Shaw, of Warwickshire Police, said: “The visits will provide a convenient way for residents to chat to officers and discuss any issues about the policing of this year’s Bulldog Bash.”
Officers will be returning after the event to listen to feedback.
Police have fought to stop Stratford District Council granting organisers a licence due to the on-going rivalry between motorcycle groups, which led to the murder of Hells Angel Gerry Tobin in 2008.
He was shot as he rode along the M40 on his way home from the festival. Members of the Outlaws motorcycle gang were jailed for his murder.
The trial heard Mr Tobin was targeted by the rival gang because he was a “fully-patched” Hells Angel.
The police have since opposed the event but their stance has been branded “over the top” by organisers.
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