Monday, July 25, 2011

From Facebook about Doc and ABATE of Florida

From Facebook about Doc and ABATE of Florida

Hi John,
Don Hylland commented on your status.
Don wrote: "I am preparing a letter to State ABATE and all the BOD! I know it will go to file 13. Rogue Doc runs his mouth about and I paste his words from the newsletter; "The June state meeting of Abate of Florida, Inc. has passed and there are some developments that need to be addressed. WESH Channel 2 out of Orlando did an interview with some motorcyclists who complained about this organization receiving money from the Florida Legislature for motorcycle safety. It’s amazing that NONE of the people in that article has ever done anything for this organization. They are so misinformed and couldn’t see that the interview was not really about the safety money but it was directed at the helmet law in Florida. The people in this interview are nothing more then agitators and cowards. They only want to cause problems not only for this organization but motorcyclists in the whole state." end quote! Really Doc? You lying pussball! I am amazed that he made that statement! Geez Rogue maybe if you are going to talk then you should dp something according to doc! Does he NOT RECALL what you have done for ABATE? Does he have a bad memory?? You have been there done that before he was probably even riding a motorcycle! Let's keep this ball rolling and eventually the truth will set ABATE members free drom the DIKtator"

Hi John,
Marilyn Elmore commented on your status.
Marilyn wrote: "Most do, the problems lie with the ability to continue to press Doc for information and to have the backing of a major news agency for the reporter in their attempts to unravel the carpet from under Doc's feet. Without the backing of the press, chasing Doc around the state and unearthing the dirty politics that go hand in hand with this guy is a daunting aspiration. It takes deeper pockets than most of little guys who gave a shit have. WESH, on the other hand has the money to expend on the details, and I think if they feel they can show dirty politics in this, the story might be chased, broken and revealed. Who knows where this will lead, ABATE could be broken if Doc is revealed to be doing some of the things we suspect he is doing with the help of politicians throughout the state. Doc has ALWAYS had a burr in his blanket when he has to think about Rogue and the ire he is able to rally."

Hi John,
Luuezz D. Gasper commented on your status.
Luuezz wrote: "Well this is bullshit. Someone needs to fry his f*cking ass the way we fry a slime ball for killing us and in a sense this is just what he is doing, killing us all of our rights and raping us from the truth. this news reporter needs to get aggressive and put a strong hold arond his neck and squueze..................seems that the higher ups could care less because what is in it for them. The only time they seem to care is when they are loosing money and the money is playing both hands. I find this so entirely hard to believe that he hasn't been busted. I am glad the news reporter is finially bringing attention to the people. I hope he sees past his redirecting the focus on him to someone else. This reminds me of a child, trying to get out of a lie or anyone avoiding the issue with questions. Surely a intelligent person can recognize this ploy???"