Wednesday, July 27, 2011


It appears that every piece of legislation that Doc introduced for ABATE of Florida makes money for the state and they then give him a piece of the action in the form of a grant.
I would make special note of increasing the licensing fee by $2.00 saying it was for education when there was already money in the fee and the state routinely uses the money for other things.
At the start of the following legislative session the state took the funds again and when Doc was questioned about it put in the ABATE newsletter that he was not going to fight it because ABATE was still going to get their $250,000.00

I routinely let my legislators know that Doc or ABATE of Florida Do Not Speak For Me. I also mention that since the ABATE membership is less than 1% of the motorcyclist in the state it is obvious he does not speak for them either.
When Doc said ABATE was the Only MRO in Florida I contested it and also posted it in National Media letting him know BOLT was in Florida he now says they are the largest. I disagree with that as well as I believe there are more AMA members in Florida than ABATE members. AMA is listed as a MRO.

 There is clearly politics being played and as noted by National News sources Florida is the most corrupt state in the country. Doc’s dealing with them makes one think of the saying if you lay with dogs you will get fleas.
I and many others feel that it is past time for New Officers on the State Level and ABATE should get pack to motorcycle rights if it still wants to claim to be a MRO.

 I feel that we need to continue to inform people what is going on through every media source we have. Eventually someone will listen and do something

Sturgis Freedom Fighters
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005