Sunday, July 24, 2011

California - what's in your gasoline ?

If you are buying gasoline in California , you are almost certainly getting a blend of 90% gasoline and 10% corn alcohol....Ethanol.    This blend is called E-10.  I have not been able to find any info that proves that E-10 does any damage to any engine, just info that it is better for the environment, and that you get less miles-per-gallon than if you were burning straight gasoline.  The next time you gas up, check the glass on the front of the pump for a very small label telling you that you are getting Ethanol.  
An E-15 blend (15% alcohol) has been introduced in some areas, but if you can find it, it is supposed to be used only in model-year 2007 and newer light duty vehicles (cars, light-duty trucks, and medium duty passenger vehicles).  In January 2011, it added model years 2001-2006 light duty vehicles to the approved list.  
As a Motorcyclist, you need to be very careful because currently most on-highway or off-highway motorcycles and all-terrain vehicles are NOT approved for this E-15 blend of fuel.  E-15 burns too hot, and will damage motorcycle engines with excessive wear, especially those that are Air Cooled, and will void your warranty.  
On February 28, 2011, Representative Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI)  introduced Bill H.R. 748.  This bill would prohibit the Administrator of the U.S.   E.P.A.  from authorizing the use of gasoline containing greater than 10 % ethanol in certain vehicles.  Find the contact numbers for your U.S. Representative  and let them know that you are in favor of H.R. 748.  Stop by their office when they are in town.....Let them know who you are.    
 AND......keep your eye on the gas pumps and on the ABATE information sources.   according to a contact  in the California E.P.A.  we are probably a couple of years away from worrying about getting E-15 in our pumps.....but as in other matters, we must be ever vigilant.
John Del Santo
(619) 223 - 0421  
  Benjamin Franklin