Saturday, June 25, 2011

From my dear friend Cathy in FL~ Pillows for the troops

I've known "Cat" for 15 years, she's a good soul... I sent a check out last week. Passing this along to you all in case you feel so moved to contribute! :*)

Pillows for Troops Drive
Pillows forTroops Drive I am sure that most if not none of you are aware that our troops overseas are not allotted pillows. So I have decided to take up all the pillows I can get my hands on and send them to our troops. I need your help, pillows ...and shipping fees. I will open a Soldier Account at Southeastern Bank in Yulee, as they have so kindly offered to take some of the donations there. You can get a (2) pack of pillows at Wal Mart for $5.00. I know that times are hard for everyone right now, but, I would not want my son, father, brother or other family member to have to work in the desert all day then lay their head down in the sand at night too. I have heard that they have to wad their clothes up under their heads for pillows. So, I thought this would be a nice gesture. If they can put their lives on the line for us, then we can give them a pillow to lay their heads on at night. If you would like to contact me concerning this, please call Cathy @ 904-225-8720. In advance, thank you so much. Please NEW Pillows Only!! Donations can be made payable to:
Southeastern Bank, Yulee
PO Box 1438
Yulee, FL 32041
 Acct #1704228571
 I had to change the name because someone else is using pillows for soldier's, they only ship to soldiers based in the US.

By: Cathy Alligood