Saturday, June 25, 2011

Delaware helmet law update

To all,
Yesterday, June 23, HB 95, was 11th on the Senate Agenda. They went in around 2:00 pm worked the first 4 bills on the agenda and broke for a caucus. This was around 4:30 pm. They came back out around 5:00 pm and worked 2 more bills and said they were going to break for the evening for the Bond Bill Committee hearings. Before their break they laid aside all other bills and jumped to item # 11 which was HB 95.
Senator Marshall was the floor manager for the legislation. At that point I had a hard 12 favorable votes counted, 7 democrats and 5 republicans, we needed 11. Marshall then proceeded to submit an amendment which clarified that the Secretary of Safety and Homeland Security is the official person who approves eyewear and helmets for 19 year olds and younger. If HB 95 passed as it was written the law would have just said the Secretary.
It is a bullshit amendment to basically try and kill the legislation this year. HB 95 as amended passed the Senate with 14 yes votes. The bill has to go back to the House for another vote in this amended state and we have 3 legislative working days left.
Doug Drummond and I went immediately to the House chambers and found Representative Mulrooney to see if there will be a problem getting the bill back over to the House, possibly placing it on a consent calendar, and running it through without any major issues.
The big thing in our favor right now is the amendment was submitted by the administration therefore the governor will be hard pressed to veto it because the State’s major objection was addressed in Senate amendment # 1.

And to those of you who did nothing, you are welcome to enjoy the freedoms others have provided you!