Friday, June 24, 2011

Delaware helmet law update

House Bill 95 is on the Senate Agenda for today. It is # 11. I have an unconfirmed count of 14 supporting it. I'll be heading over there around 1:30 p.m. to start a final count down and hopefully they will get to it today. I keep getting assurances that it will fly through the Senate but I don't count on that kind of stuff. Do the homework and do the math. Don't call the roll unless you got the vote!

Next stumbling block is the Governor and he is being real quiet. His legislative liaison guy owes me but that means nothing in today's world of politics. It use to be when you got someone's word you had back in the day around here anyway's. Not any more. You can trust a rattlesnake better than some of these folk.

More to come.

And to those of you who did nothing, you are welcome to enjoy the freedoms others have provided you!