Thursday, June 23, 2011

Canada - Biker activity at Park Street home: police

The Peterborough Lakefield Community Police Service is aware of Outlaws Motorcycle Club activity around a home on Park Street North.

(PETERBOROUGH) Peterborough police are watching biker gang activity at a Park Street North home.
Peterborough police Inspector Tim Farquharson says members of the Outlaws Motorcycle gang have been hanging around the property, which is near the YMCA building on Park Street.

"We're aware of Outlaws motorcycle gang activity around that residence," he notes.

Police are not saying at this point whether it is in fact a clubhouse. Insp. Farquharson says the clubhouse could have an "opening" of sorts, such as a party inviting their members and friends, that could be the club's signal that they are now using that property as a clubhouse.

"They usually have some type of event that they invite their members and associates to and their hang-arounds and friends," he explains.

Back in November, police confirmed that the Outlaws Motorcycle Club had set up a clubhouse out at 1999 Lansdowne St. W., but Insp. Farquharson says there has been decreased activity at that site.

"It's pretty well defunct as a clubhouse at this point," he notes.

Insp. Farquharson says historically, motorcycle gangs try to be good neighbours.

"They're not stupid. That's a pretty important part of their support, is having the neighbours not having a big problem with them. In regards to safety for the neighbours there [around Park Street] it's not something we would be telling them there's something to be concerned about," he explains.

"They [motorcycle club members] are smart. They're business people, in some ways. If you want to look at it that way."

He says the concern is what motorcycle clubs, such as the Outlaws, bring to a community in general, such as drugs and violence.

Peterboroug h This Week went to the home on Park Street but the people at the residence had no comment about whether or not the home was being used by members of the Outlaws.

"First I heard about it," said one man.

Another man said he was just visiting.

Insp. Farquharson says biker activity has always been in Peterborough and always will be.

"Who do we deal with? Who do we know about? Obviously the Hells Angels, Outlaws, Paradise Riders, groups like that. As well as gang activity from the GTA and other groups," he says.

"Part of our job is to monitor it and, where we can, hold them responsible for any type of illegal activity that they are responsible for."

He says while enforcement is a big part of the job, the other part is to get at the root causes of why people on the streets are using illegal drugs and helping get them the right services so they don't continue to re-offend.

If we can disrupt that flow, that's a big help," he explains.

"But then there's all the other parts of it, with regards to youth diversions, working with doctors, working with community agencies. Trying to get to the root causes of criminality."