Friday, June 24, 2011

AUSTRALIA - Firebomb suspected in tattoo blast

Destroyed: The South Hurstville tattoo parlour. Picture: Jane Dyson

POLICE are looking for three men who threw projectiles through the windows of a South Hurstville tattoo parlour minutes before it caught alight on Tuesday.
Witnesses told police the men were "acting suspiciously" outside Yoshue's Arts Tattoo Boutique on Connells Point Road at about 11.30pm before they drove off in a dark car.

The shop was well alight 10 minutes later.

Owner Yoshue denied the fire was related to a conflict with Comanchero motorcycle gang members.

"We are a family, community shop and we have no relations with

bikies," Yoshe said. "I have no idea who did this. It is a mystery to us."

Hurstville police Sergeant Matt Brophey said: "All we know is that the owner is a 47-year-old male from Hurstville Grove. Police are treating the fire as suspicious."

Four residents who live above the shop were evacuated uninjured.