Sunday, May 29, 2011

Spokane- Wa - Motorcyclists want fairness

motorcycling community of Spokane is concerned about unjust and unfair motorcycle laws/legislation in our county. Motorcycling on and off road should be promoted, not restricted. We already lose tremendous amounts of revenue to Idaho due to mandatory helmet laws.
Motorcyclists are the largest group of tourists in America. It is an economical form of transportation. There is less pollution, road damage and traffic congestion due to motorcyclists. We also donate time and huge sums of money to charities.
Many of our veterans and servicemen ride motorcycles and do great things for our community. There are over 23,000 motorcyclists in Spokane County. We may not contact our legislators or political office holders, but we all vote. To be politically supported we ask you to promote motorcycling.
Our current concern is the plan to limit off-road use on our own property to areas of 10 acres or more. This is against the very principles of America. In a free country we have certain rights regarding our personal property and possessions. Please support the principles of a free society and reject rules or laws that take away our rights.
Steve Puccio