Monday, May 2, 2011

DrReefer and Family needs your letters of support!

Sent by Tigerlily
DrReefer and Family needs your letters of support!

Hello Patients,
We are asking our patients to please write a letter of leniency on our behalf. On January 6, 2011, My family and I were arrested and charged with conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute marijuana. As a result we have signed a plea agreement with the federal government that calls for probation for Reyna Barnett (my mother) and Clyde Barnett (my brother), however Pierre Werner's guidelines call for 41-51 months in prison. We helped hundreds of patients navigate Nevada's complicated Medical Marijuana laws. Please take a few minutes and write a letter using following the format of the reference letter outline. Please address your letter To The Honorable Judge Phillip Pro.

Character reference Letter – Outline

To The Honorable Judge Phillip Pro:

Paragraph 1: Introductory paragraph explaining who you are and reason for writing (in support of leniency for Pierre Werner)

Paragraph 2: Long paragraph outlining your contacts, friendship, acquaintance, history, etc. with him; duration of acquaintance; relationship to Pierre and/or his family.

Paragraph 3: You opinion, based on facts, regarding Pierre’s character, setting forth his virtues; for example: trustworthy, honest, intelligent, law-abiding, family-oriented, job-oriented, etc.

Paragraph 4: Your recommendation that Pierre be treated with leniency, based on mitigating factors know to you: his non-criminal nature; good character; sincerity of beliefs, etc.

Please include your name, address and telephone number.

Please send your letters to:

Pierre Werner
7775 Clearwood Ave.
Las Vegas, NV 89123

Thank You and God Bless
Pierre Werner
Pierre Werner
OMG, Dr. Reefer - I had no idea! I am not a patient of yours, but I highly supported your efforts to bring medical relief to patients in need.
I will be more than happy to write such a letter and I will also ask my friends who might support your cause to do the same. Is there an email to which we can also send the letter in addition to mailing?
One of my best friends in Texas died just a few weeks ago. The best and safest relief she would get from her debilitating disease process was through the use of marijuana. Her doctor told her that "off the record." He cared so much for her wellness that this doctor risked losing his license by being truthful about this issue.
We need to decriminalize marijuana. As a helmet-choice motorcycle-rights activist, it is my STRONG belief that the government has no business telling us what to put on our bodies and into our bodies.
I did my best to campaign for Art Lampitt for Governor during the last election. Decriminalizing and pardoning every prisoner for minor marijuana charges was a top priority on his campaign - as a means to reduce the cost to the State of Nevada by releasing so many nonviolent persons, many of whom might use marijuana as a DESPERATE means to self-medicate.

I will provide you with the letter I write by tomorrow if at all possible - and please let me know if there is anything else I can do to offer my support.

Also, when will the sentencing take place?
Southwest Ad Manager/Correspondent
QuickThrottle Magazine