Thursday, May 5, 2011

Denmark - No leniency for star witness in gang trial

Former gang member who testified against his fellow gang members gets no sympathy from the court..

The Supreme Court today upheld a 12-year prison sentence handed down by the Eastern High Court to a former gang member who is due to testify against 16 of his former brothers-in-arms.
The 25-year-old, known as MFP, was convicted by a district court for attempted murder and assault. The decision was later upheld by the Eastern High Court.

The Supreme Court had to decide whether MFP would qualify for a reduced sentence in exchange for co-operating with the police to provide testimony against members of biker gangs AK81 and Hells Angels.

MFP, a defected member of Hells Angels affiliate AK81, has confessed to five counts of attempted murder and two counts of assault.
Lawyers for the 16 gang members facing trial have stated that they will seek to undermine the credibility of the witness as well as the police’s arguments for convincing him to speak about his former friends.