Sunday, May 29, 2011

Check out "A Note Regarding Ride For CHANGE-Ride for HOPE and Petty Politics" on WORLD OF SOUL MOTORCYCLE COMMUNITY

A Note Regarding Ride For CHANGE-Ride for HOPE and Petty Politics..........
As some of you play petty motorcycle politics to decrease the viability of programs designed to benefit your own community I want to remind you of some vital facts that appear to escape you. Black people are historically a spiritual people. When they sought the aid of their maker they were freed from slavery twice. Once in the 1860’s and then again in the 1960’s. Now we must free ourselves from ourselves. Hopefully it will not take another 50 years before we have the courage to take the necessary steps to reverse non productive trends that keep us MOVING BACKWARDS IN THE NAME OF "UNITY".  That's a contradiction.

Remember where you come from… acknowledge where you are and really see where you are going.

As I look back on some of the current and previous Ride for CHANGE-Ride for HOPE efforts that point our community toward social and cultural reconcilation, I must ask Black America (i.e. Memphis, Dallas, Houston, Louisville, Las Vegas...SMH) when will the self destruction end?  What do we really value?

You chanted the words YES WE CAN! YES WE CAN!  Voted the man into office, turn your backs and yelled YES HE CAN! YES HE CAN! as if you were no longer part of the equation.

Politics. Please. Put it aside and let's do this thing for our communities, for our country.  It's time to tear down the walls that separate us. Rise up people!

Ride for CHANGE-Ride for HOPE™, KEEP IT MOVING!  Our future depends on it. Otherwise we will surely perish in our ignorance.

Ride for CHANGE Ride for HOPE Foundation

The mission of the World of Soul Motorcycle Community network is to examine and promote the recreation of motorcycling; the environment and spirit of the motorcycle community. To add redeemable value to the bikers’ experience by addressing issues significant to the community while uniting bikers with community organizations and commercial industries.

About the Ride for CHANGE-Ride for HOPE™ Virginia
This stop will highlight Fort Monroe, "FREEDOM FORTRESS". Our motorcycle motorcade will culminate at Fort Monroe for a tour and presentation. The motorcade will also serve as an escort of buses (in partnership with local churches) filled with children to share in the reconnection with our history and cultural heritage. Ride for CHANGE-Ride for HOPE Foundation will aid the Newport News Court Appointed Special Advocates which teaches young people how to be advocates by example while advocating on their behalf. It is the powerful images that are being relayed to the child that are not forgotten long afterwards. The instability of a young person can have a tremendous negative impact on their education and long term ability to perform. Reconciling the issues they faced to get into the foster care situation may be difficult, but the reassurance of community support in helping them acheive their developmental goals can be comforting and rewarding in the end for all parties.

About Ride for CHANGE-Ride for HOPE™
Ride for CHANGE-Ride for HOPE™ is an awareness campaign that culminates with a motorcycle event in local communities across America. Originating in Chicago, Illinois, October 2008, Ride for CHANGE-Ride for HOPE™ is the official programmatic thrust of the World of Soul Motorcycle Community™ as sanctioned by Ride for CHANGE-Ride for HOPE, Inc. Ride for CHANGE-Ride for HOPE partners with local nonprofits addressing the needs of at-risk-youth.