Friday, April 8, 2011

United Kingdom - 80mph speeding biker wins court battle thanks to judge

A JUDGE has supported a man who raced off on his motorbike at up to 80mph.

Judge Jonathan Durham Hall QC accepted the plea by Huddersfield accountant Ian Lodge that he was being chased by another motorist, who had tried to knock him off his machine.
But in reality, the vehicle that followed the biker at high speed was a police car.

Now Lodge has been given a absolute discharge for careless driving.
Judge Durham Hall yesterday took an exceptional course after watching CCTV footage of the moment another driver pulled across the motorcyclist’s path in an attempt to obstruct him or knock him off his machine.
The 44-year-old father-of-two rode away following the early hours incident a year ago, but when he saw a vehicle pursuing him he went through red lights, ignored a no entry sign and reached estimated speeds of up to 80mph.
But Bradford Crown Court heard that the car was a police vehicle and when the officers flashed their blue lights after a the three-mile pursuit Lodge pulled over.
Lodge, of Blackmoorfoot, Linthwaite, was charged with dangerous driving, but his guilty plea to the lesser offence of careless driving was accepted by the prosecution yesterday.
Prosecutor Claire Larton said the officers had followed Lodge after spotting his machine in the Shorehead area, but the defendant’s barrister Richard Wright explained that the pursuit began just a minute after the aggressive manoeuvre of the other car driver.
Describing the CCTV footage Mr Wright said without warning the car on the outside came directly into his client’s lane, just missing him.
Mr Wright said the prosecution accepted until the police officers put on the blue lights Lodge did not know who was following him and as soon as he did he stopped.
The court heard that Lodge travelled 30,000 miles a year with his work and only had one speeding conviction on his record.
Mr Wright said his client had also had to pay for his own defence and had therefore already suffered a significant financial penalty.
“'When the police car picked him up he believed he was being followed by the same driver who had performed that very dangerous manoeuvre”, added Mr Wright.

Judge Durham Hall said the CCTV evidence established there was a very compelling reason operating on Lodge’s mind.
The judge said it would be a nonsense to fine Lodge a further £100 or so for the offence of careless driving.
He explained that in the exceptional and unique circumstances of the case he was giving Lodge an absolute discharge with three points on his licence.