Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Dear Senator Horsford,

I am distressed that you continue to ignore SB177. To my knowledge this is the ONLY NEVADA BILL in this legislative session that will stimulate our economy without raising taxes or using public funds.
Unfortunately, since you continue to ignore this Bill - contrary to the wishes of the people of Nevada - I must assume that you believe SB177 is not a worthy Bill.

Countless readers have notified me that they have done their part to educate you about SB177. Therefore, I wonder, what keeps you from moving this Bill forward? Would you feel responsible for the death of any helmetless rider in Nevada? That is understandable for someone who has not had time to get educated about this issue.
I can’t imagine being in your position with that amount of responsibility. However, will you feel “guilt” for the many violations of rights that will inevitably take place as a result of our helmet law? Will you feel “guilt” for missing an opportunity to draw hundreds of millions of dollars to Nevada?

There is a large group of motorcycles (in the thousands) that is planning to come to Las Vegas in August. Likely the vast majority of these motorcyclists will be coming from states with helmet choice. Given the current violence seen in Las Vegas by some rogue officers, will you feel any guilt about the abuses that are waiting to occur? What I anticipate will be ugly. In fact, I will be discouraging motorcycle events from taking place in Nevada until We the People get a handle on the tyranny in Nevada. That is why I have been relentless in getting SB177 passed. The violations of motorcyclists’ rights I’ve witnessed first hand – are brutal !!
I have plenty of data to back up my statements but I know you won’t have time to review it. So if you cannot find it in your heart to vote YES to SB177 based on some lack of information, would you please do the right thing and bring SB177 to a vote to give it a fair chance to pass?

My job as reporter is to cover motorcycle events. I have been collecting data to show how helmet choice will significantly stimulate our economy. And I am prepared to accept the consequences for recording any violations of rights.

Will you be able to take credit in this success? Or not?

Please allow SB177 to go forward for a vote.

Respectfully submitted,
Lily Gonzalez
Southwest Ad Manager/Correspondent
QuickThrottle Magazine