Friday, April 22, 2011

MASSACHUSETTS:Salem MA Police Department To Ticket Loud Motorcycles


April 19, 2011

The Massachusetts Motorcycle Association has learned through correspondence received from the Salem MA Police Department that they will be taking a "proactive enforcement approach and issuing citations for loud motorcycle exhaust noise". Further stated in the email received by MMA Chairman Dave Condon, "We will be enforcing the violations under Chapter 90. Please get the word out to your association."
"To say that the MMA is disheartened by this turn of events would be an understatement", responded MMA Chairman Condon. "We have been working in this area of the state very aggressively to educate all involved, in this sound issue, and we felt we were making great strides and our programs were working very well."
Last July the MMA developed it's highly successful and nationally recognized, "When in Town, Throttle Down© " Campaign. At that time the City of Salem seemed very interested in using the signage the MMA developed as a part of this program. While we are not sure what happened, we can only speculate that the anti-noise people brought a lot of public pressure on the city's leaders for them to take this action. The City of Salem has a very small but vocal anti-noise group that has remained very active. You may remember this group held anti-motorcycle signs at the Annual Witch Hunt Ride when it ended in Salem last year, as part of the Haunted Happenings Celebration conducted during the Halloween season.
While the MMA is very aware that motorcycles are not the only vehicles on the roads that make noise we ask all riders to ride with respect and to be courteous with the warmer weather upon us. Let's all work together to become a part of the solution and not the problem. Education is always preferred over legislation or enforcement.

The MMA remains committed to protecting the rights of all motorcyclists. More information concerning your rights and the Massachusetts General Law can be found in the MMA’s “When in Town, Throttle Down©” Trifold at Any rider cited by any police department throughout the state is encouraged to contact us.

For more information about noise issues, or our “When in Town, Throttle Down©” Campaign please visit
 or contact