Monday, April 25, 2011

MACALM update - MMA of Mass to Join Noise Nazi's in their Fight to Reduce Rider's RIghts

From Massachusetts Citizens Against Loud Motorcycles (MACALM)

For Immediate Release:

Motorcycle Noise Awareness Program Enforcement through Awareness and Education
by Paul Conti

Rider education is key to motorcycle noise reduction. Public awareness programs help with compliance with this issue.
With that in mind, the Salem Police Department, in cooperation with the Massachusetts Motorcycle Association (M.M.A.) has implemented an "Enforcement through Awareness and Education" program to help address the problem of motorcycle noise.
The program includes educating motorcycle riders about excessive and unnecessary noise as they ride through Salem's many neighborhoods.
Salem Police Officers will be teaming up with representatives of the M.M.A. and the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles Inspectional Services to help inform riders of the quality-of-life issues loud motorcycle noise posses to the community. A decibel meter reading will be offered to motorcycle owners to help determine if their cycle is in compliance with state law.
Brochures with information concerning the law, health risks and responsible riding will be distributed to anyone interested*.

* Due to a conflict in the position of the Salem Police Department's discretion in the enforcement of Massachusetts General Laws concerning noise and equipment violations, Boston Harley-Davidson withdrew its support and sponsorship in this program. Unfortunately, this decision came after the Police Department spend public funds to print several hundred brochures. Boston Harley-Davidson DOES NOT support the efforts made in this program.

Paul Conti
That last paragraph: " Due to a conflict in the position of the Salem Police Department's discretion in the enforcement of Massachusetts General Laws concerning noise and equipment violations, Boston Harley-Davidson withdrew its support and ...sponsorship in this program. Unfortunately, this decision came after the Police Department spend public funds to print several hundred brochures. Boston Harley-Davidson DOES NOT support the efforts made in this program."
What conflict? The Salem Police Department and the MMA's motorcycle noise "education" brochure gives motorcyclists plenty of discretion to illegally equip their bikes as they please and make quite a bit of

noise. Why does'nt Boston Haelry-Davidson approve of that?

Anthony Rizzolo
Opposing this more than reasonable program only digs the loud bikers into a deeper hole. Boston Harley Davidson and those that support them will have only themselves to blame when public opinion turns toward

stricter laws. It's only a matter of time!

Andy Ford
Efforts to educate loud bikers to behave better don't seem to have worked very well. The American Motorcyclists Association, the Motorcycle Riders Foundation and the United Bikers of Maine have been educating loud riders for years and motor...cycle noise pollution continues to increase. The best way to educate these loud bikers is for the police to stop them for riding loud and giving them a ticket for any violations found. A loud riding ticket should start at $500 and increase with any subsequent violations. Straight pipes should be a forfeiture item.

Interesting page I located at Salem PD....BUT take notice of the final "*" paragraph--that really tells the story behind the story.