Thursday, April 21, 2011


Dear Fellow Motorcyclist:

Great news !! According to our Northern ABATE Lobbyist, John Bland, we are ONE vote away from passing SB177 in the Senate. John has confirmed that 10 out of 21 Senators is voting YES.
Below is a list of who is voting how. Feel free to contact your own Senator to either thank them for their support or ask them for their support and tell them why.
Here is the “lowdown.”
Please call 702-486-2626. This is an opinion poll. Tell them to vote YES to SB177. You will be asked your name and address. Senator Manendo cares very much about this poll.

It appears SB177 has turned into a Republican verses Democrat issue – and that’s crap! This is not a partisan issue – it’s a FREEDOM/EQUAL RIGHTS ISSUE! All the Republicans are voting YES to SB177, except for Dr. Hardy. Since he is a doctor, he probably feels it is unethical for cops to “let” us ride without a helmet. Doctors like to call motorcyclists “donorcyclists.” Make a point to tell Dr. Hardy that this is not a medical issue – this is an issue about freedom and economy. Remind him that as a Republican he should know that laws don’t stimulate the economy – FREEDOM DOES! His email is: Hardy, M.D., Joseph P. (Joe) His phone number is: 775-684-1462. Put him on speed dial and bug the hell out of him – especially if you are an independent or a republican.
Our senators need to know that Nevada’s motorcycle death rate is 17%. That’s higher than the national average of 13%. If the vast majority of states are helmet-choice States, then why is Nevada’s death rate higher? HMMM? People who survive can say that a helmet saved their lives. But how many dead people can say that a helmet killed them? Zero- because the dead can’t talk.
If you have ever had an issue with a helmet, make that known. I had a visor pop off going fast and it startled me and I almost lost control of my bike. I know someone from California who lost a leg because her helmet impaired her vision. Her name is Glenna Ryan and she will be testifying in the Assembly!

Democratic Senator Manendo co-sponsored SB177 but he voted "NO" at the Committee hearing because he felt 21 was too young. Please contact him and ask him to change his vote! If an 18 year old is old enough to go to war for our country, then 18 should be good enough to know how to dress on a motorcycle. It’s bad enough that the age requirement for SB177 is 21. That is a slap in the face to every military 18-20 that is overseas fighting beasts and getting killed!
You might want to contact Shirley Breeden and ask her to also change her vote to YES. We got her into office and the vast majority of Nevadans want SB177 to pass! She passed a number of UGLY bills – none that will stimulate our economy. She needs to repair some damage to the mess she’s caused by voting YES to SB177.
Below is a list of all the Senators, how they have told John that they will vote, emails, and phone numbers.
I got this info from here:
And I’m putting in PDF form in case you can’t read it on this email.

Special thanks to James Kimsey. He told me that some of the club boys from South Nevada got a little aggressive with Senator Breeden. Breeden will never admit it, but it must have worked or SB177 would have died. My personal “Kudos” to whoever that was.
Try to be respectful. The deadline is Tuesday, April 26th. So let’s not get nasty – YET!

I highlighted the people that need to be called. Let’s get moving. We are all in this together and we will celebrate together.

Carson City #

NDBreeden, Shirley A.sbreeden@sen.state.nv.us775-684-1457
YRBrower, Greggbrower@sen.state.nv.us775-684-1419
YRCegavske, Barbara K. bcegavske@sen.state.nv.us775-684-1445
NDCopening, Allison acopening@sen.state.nv.us775-684-1475
NDDenis, Mo mdenis@sen.state.nv.us775-684-1431
YRGustavson, Don dgustavson@sen.state.nv.us775-684-1480
YRHalseth, Elizabethehalseth@sen.state.nv.us775-684-1421
NRHardy, M.D., Joseph P. (Joe)jhardy@sen.state.nv.us775-684-1462
NDHorsford, Steven A.shorsford@sen.state.nv.us775-684-1429
YRKieckhefer, Benbkieckhefer@sen.state.nv.us775-684-1450
MaybeDKihuen, Rubenrkihuen@sen.state.nv.us775-684-1427
YDLee, John J.jlee@sen.state.nv.us775-684-1424
NDLeslie, Sheila sleslie@sen.state.nv.us775-684-1433
MaybeDManendo, Markmmanendo@sen.state.nv.us775-684-6503
YRMcGinness, Mike mmcginness@sen.state.nv.us775-684-1442
NDParks, David Rdparks@sen.state.nv.us775-684-6504
YRRhoads, Dean A.drhoads@sen.state.nv.us775-684-1447
YRRoberson, Michaelmroberson@sen.state.nv.us775-684-1481
NDSchneider, Michael A.mschneider@sen.state.nv.us775-684-6502
YRSettelmeyer, James A. jsettelmeyer@sen.state.nv.us775-684-1470
NDWiener, Valerievwiener@sen.state.nv.us775-684-1422

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