Tuesday, March 22, 2011

San Diego, CA - Teen Driver Injures Border Bandit Biker

Peter C. Salisbury
Members of the Border Bandits motorcycle club called sheriff’s deputies on the evening of Friday, March 18, after one of their own was involved in an accident with a teenage driver outside their chapter meeting location.
Shortly after 7:30 p.m. in the 1000 block of Grove Avenue, an 18-year-old boy driving a Chrysler PT Cruiser backed out of a driveway and crossed the street, hitting a parked red Chevy Beretta as the driver was exiting the vehicle. The PT Cruiser’s rear bumper pushed against the Beretta driver’s door, trapping the driver’s left leg between the door and car’s frame.
Border Bandit member Fred said the teenage driver “took an attitude.” Border Bandit member Andy said, “The kid was mouthy, so it was either beat the crap out of him or call the cops.” The teenage driver was polite as he explained to arriving deputies what happened:
“My little brother and his friend were in the car yelling for me to ‘come on,’” he said. “I was backing out of the driveway and my foot slipped off the pedal. I stepped on the brake as quick as I could but I hit the car.”
The teen’s mother arrived at the scene and told deputies, “He just got his license. This is his first accident and he’s freaking out.”
The injured biker was examined by paramedics and chose to go to the hospital by ambulance while a community services officer on the scene reassured the teen: “I’m not a doctor, but the wound seemed superficial.”
The teen was allowed to drive away from the scene.