Wednesday, March 23, 2011

San Diego, CA - SDPD officer accused of seeking sexual favors pleads not guilty..

By Kristina Davis
SAN DIEGO — A veteran San Diego police officer was charged Monday with eliciting sexual favors from three women during DUI traffic stops, and prosecutors say charges relating to a fourth alleged victim are expected later this week.
Anthony Arevalos, 40, pleaded not guilty to 10 felony counts, including sexual battery by restraint, receiving a bribe, assault and battery by an officer, and false imprisonment.
The officer, wearing a dark pinstripe suit, said nothing during the proceedings except, “Yes, sir,” when asked by the judge if he understood an order to stay away from one of the alleged victims.
San Diego Superior Court Judge David Szumowksi raised Arevalos’ bail to $200,000, and the officer was handcuffed and placed into custody. Jail records show that he posted bail by late Monday. Arevalos had earlier posted $95,000 bail shortly after his arrest March 11.
Deputy District Attorney Sherry Thompson said Arevalos victimized women on Oct. 22, Dec. 29, and March 8 during DUI stops in the Gaslamp Quarter, asking them all what they could offer him to get out of their compromising situations. The women ranged in age from 20 to 31.
After asking about their backgrounds, he would tell them how expensive drunken driving cases can be and that they couldn’t afford them, Thompson said.
In the latest case, on March 8, he asked a woman leaving Mardi Gras celebrations what it was worth to her to get out of an arrest, the prosecutor said. Arevalos responded by directing her to drive to a nearby 7-Eleven and then allegedly asked her for her panties and bra in a locked restroom, Thompson said. The woman claims that he then put his arm around her and fondled her crotch before letting her go.
The officer then gave her back her undergarments, got her phone number and texted her later making sure she got to work safely, Thompson said.
The woman, whose name was not released, reported the alleged incident to police the next day, leading to Arevalos’ arrest.
Authorities say they have surveillance video of the officer and woman going into the restroom.
Defense attorney Philip Gagnon called the allegations “salacious” and said police arrested Arevalos too quickly without doing a proper investigation.
“From a factual standpoint, there is not much here,” Gagnon said in court.
Arevalos is on unpaid suspension while the investigation continues.
The prosecutor said San Diego police continue to receive reports from potential victims. So far, there could be as many as nine, Thompson said.
Arevalos faces up to 11 years and four months in prison if convicted of all charges.