Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Nevada Helemt Law


SB177 to allow adults helmet freedom of choice in Nevada will be dead in two weeks if Senate Transportation Chair Shirley Breeden does not call it to a vote. Please, don't allow this to happen again this session. This bill has the support in this committee to pass if called to a vote. Call, write and email Transportation Chair Shirley Breeden AGAIN! sbreeden@sen.state.nv.us
 and ask her to please call SB177 for a vote!

Please forward this to all your contacts.
Thank you,

John Bland -President ABATE of Northern Nevada, MRF State Rep.

Breeden, Shirley A. (Party) Democratic(District) Clark County, No. 5Biography
284 Kershner Court
Henderson, NV 89074-4180 (Wk)
(Leg. Bldg.) 775-684-1457 775-684-1457
(Leg. Bldg. Room) 2126 (Home) 702-456-6192
(Cell) (Term ends) Nov. 2012
(EMail) sbreeden@sen.state.nv.us

To all,

I have just received word that Senator Alison Copening is attempting to block SB177. As in the past few weeks you already know what to do. We need to let her know that she is working for us and we want freedom of choice. I am including her address to make it easy for you to send her your thoughts. Let’s not give up now!


We are in support of SB177 and want her to stop trying to block the vote.
